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Mockery's News

Posted by Mockery - November 6th, 2009

Hey there fellow film freakozoids!

Just a quick reminder that the seventeenth episode of my interactive show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight (10/23/09) at 10pm PST (1am EST) on thestream.tv/live & justin.tv/thestreamdottv & stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us LIVE on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

On top of all that, we have special guest Ben Siemon joining us tonight, who is another great comedian from the Upright Citizens Brigade community.

Also, if you missed any of the previousshows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

You can now even download the episodes for free on iTunes at:
itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.wo a/wa/viewPodcast?id=331281360

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Also big thanks to those of you who helped make the Doc Mock's MonsterTime game here on Newgrounds the #1 Halloween game of the season! It really means a lot to us and we'll be adding a full assortment of medals to the game really soon!

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

My LIVE show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, Episode #17 airs tonight @ 10pm PST / 1am EST! Come check it out!

Posted by Mockery - October 31st, 2009


We just barely managed to finish our new game in time for Halloween! MonsterTime is a parody/tribute to the classic arcade game BurgerTime in which you play a mad scientist by the name of Doc Mock (perhaps you've heard of him), but instead of building burgers, you're building classic horror movie monsters! Sounds fun right? Well not so fast, bucko... there are a bunch of modern horror movie monsters who want to stop you from bringing the classics back to life, so you've gotta dodge and fight your way past them on a variety of increasingly tricky levels!


I really hope you all enjoy this game and have a super spiffy Halloween!


MonsterTime: Our Halloween game has arrived! Happy Halloween everybody!

Posted by Mockery - October 29th, 2009

Hey there fellow Halloweenies!

Just a quick reminder that the sixteenth episode of my interactive new show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight (10/29/09) at 10pm PST (1am EST) on thestream.tv/live and justin.tv/thestreamdottv and stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us LIVE on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

Tonight we are airing our Final Halloween Season Special Episode of Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, so you don't wanna miss all the goodies we have in store for you!

On top of all that, we have the Prince of Darkness himself, COUNT DRACULA, joining us tonight as our special guest! If you've ever wanted to talk to Dracula, tonight's your chance, so be sure to join in the chat room fun and check out the show! Hope to see you guys there!

Also, if you missed any of the previous shows, such as our most recent Halloween special with KEITH APICARY from "TALKING CLASSICS", you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

You can now even download the episodes for free on iTunes at:
itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.wo a/wa/viewPodcast?id=331281360

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

COUNT DRACULA is my Special Guest TONIGHT, LIVE on Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum at 10pm PST / 1am EST! FINAL HALLOWEEN EPISODE!

Posted by Mockery - October 23rd, 2009

Hey there fellow movie marauders!

Just a quick reminder that the fifteenth episode of my interactive new show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight (10/23/09) at 10pm PST (1am EST) on thestream.tv and justin.tv/thestreamdottv and stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us LIVE on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

Tonight we continue with our special Halloween Season of episodes on Doc Mock, in which we'll be airing horror & monster movies all month long!

On top of all that, we have special guest Keith Apicary joining us tonight, who I'm sure many of you know from his hilarious "Talking Classics" video game comedy series. If you've ever wanted to talk to Keith, tonight's your chance, so be sure to join in the chat room fun and check out the show! Hope to see you guys there!

Also, if you missed any of the previous three shows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

You can now even download the episodes for free on iTunes at:
itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.wo a/wa/viewPodcast?id=331281360

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

Keith Apicary from "Talking Classics" LIVE Tonight on my Interactive Show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum at 10pm PST / 1am EST!!

Posted by Mockery - October 16th, 2009

Hey there fellow movie marauders!

Just a quick reminder that the thirteenth episode of my new show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight (10/9/09) at 10pm PST (1am EST) on thestream.tv and justin.tv/thestreamdottv and stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us LIVE on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

Tonight we continue with our special Halloween Season of episodes on Doc Mock, in which we'll be airing horror & monster movies all month long!

On top of all that, my special guest on the show tonight will be Cissy Fenwick, a comedian / improviser in LA who shall brave sitting through a mausoleum movie with us. So be sure to join in the chat room fun and check out the show tonight! Hope to see you guys there!

Also, if you missed any of the previous three shows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

You can now even download the episodes for free on iTunes at:
itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.wo a/wa/viewPodcast?id=331281360

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

My LIVE show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, Episode #14 airs tonight @ 10pm PST / 1am EST! Come check it out!

Posted by Mockery - October 9th, 2009

Hey there fellow fright freakozoids!

Just a quick reminder that the thirteenth episode of my new show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight (10/9/09) at 10pm PST (1am EST) on thestream.tv and justin.tv/thestreamdottv and stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us LIVE on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

This episode also marks the start of our Halloween Season on Doc Mock, in which we'll be airing horror movies all month long! Tonight we'll have a segment all about the Eyegore Awards at Universal's Halloween Horror Nights, the results of our Doc Mock circus carnival art contest and more!

On top of all that, my special guest on the show tonight will be Josh Simpson, a comedian / improviser in LA who shall brave sitting through a mausoleum movie with us. So be sure to join in the chat room fun and check out the show tonight! Hope to see you guys there!

Also, if you missed any of the previous three shows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

You can now even download the episodes for free on iTunes at:
itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.wo a/wa/viewPodcast?id=331281360

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

My LIVE show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, Episode #13 airs tonight @ 10pm PST / 1am EST! Come check it out!

Posted by Mockery - July 7th, 2009

Ahoy all!

I just wanted you to guys to know that I've finally finished my redesign of RainbowPuke.com so that it can now be updated on a frequent basis. In the past, the entire site just consisted of static HTML pages that I was only able to update once in a blue moon because, frankly, it was a pain in the ass. With the new site design, however, I can now post your pieces of Rainbow Puke art on a far more regular basis with ease and you guys can even share your comments about your favorite puketacular pics right in the blog.

I'd also like to welcome all of you to submit your own renditions of rainbows puking up rainbows. What better way to become famous than by having a site like RainbowPuke displaying your amazing works of art featuring rainbows puking in technicolor?

There's a big archive of images on the site already, including puking rainbows created by Newgrounds peeps such as Stamper, Poxpower, myself and more. I hope you'll all give it a shot and submit some pukey art of your own. Even if you have little to no artistic talent, you can still submit your best MS Paint and/or crayon drawing of a rainbow puking up a rainbow! Just take a look through the archives of art and you'll see there's good art and bad art, but it's all pretty entertaining either way.

Ok that's all for now... hope you guys enjoy all the new pukes!


The Return of RAINBOWPUKE! The #1 source for all of your puking rainbow needs! Submit your pukey art and be famous!

Posted by Mockery - June 26th, 2009

Just a quick reminder that the seventh episode of my new show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight at 10pm PST (1am EST) on justin.tv/thestreamdottv and stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to ravage your retinas, and you'll also be able to interact with us live on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

On top of all that, my special guest on the show tonight will be the one and only MADDOX, author of The Alphabet of Manliness. So be sure to join in the chat room fun and check out the show tonight! Hope to see you guys there!

Also, if you missed any of the previous episodes, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

MADDOX appearing LIVE on my Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum show tonight @ 10pm PST / 1am EST! Come check it out!!!

Posted by Mockery - June 19th, 2009

Just a quick reminder that the sixth episode of my new show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight at 10pm PST (1am EST) on thestream.tv and justin.tv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us live on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

On top of all that, my special guest on the show tonight will be Todd Fasen, a comedian / improviser in LA who shall brave sitting through a mausoleum movie. So be sure to join in the chat room fun and check out the show tonight! Hope to see you guys there!

Also, if you missed any of the previous three shows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys tonight! Thanks for watching!

My new LIVE show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, Episode #6 airs tonight @ 10pm PST / 1am EST! Come check it out!

Posted by Mockery - June 12th, 2009

Just a quick reminder that the fifth episode of my new show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight at 10pm PST (1am EST) on thestream.tv with simultaneous live broadcasts & chats on justin.tv & ustream.tv in their "thestreamdottv" channels. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to melt your mind, and you'll also be able to interact with us live on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

On top of all that, my special guest on the show tonight will be David Harris, ancomedian / improviser in LA who shall brave sitting through a mausoleum movie. So be sure to join in the chat room fun and check out the show tonight! Hope to see you guys there!

Also, if you missed any of the previous three shows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys tonight! Thanks for watching!