Ahoy all!
I just wanted you to guys to know that I've finally finished my redesign of RainbowPuke.com so that it can now be updated on a frequent basis. In the past, the entire site just consisted of static HTML pages that I was only able to update once in a blue moon because, frankly, it was a pain in the ass. With the new site design, however, I can now post your pieces of Rainbow Puke art on a far more regular basis with ease and you guys can even share your comments about your favorite puketacular pics right in the blog.
I'd also like to welcome all of you to submit your own renditions of rainbows puking up rainbows. What better way to become famous than by having a site like RainbowPuke displaying your amazing works of art featuring rainbows puking in technicolor?
There's a big archive of images on the site already, including puking rainbows created by Newgrounds peeps such as Stamper, Poxpower, myself and more. I hope you'll all give it a shot and submit some pukey art of your own. Even if you have little to no artistic talent, you can still submit your best MS Paint and/or crayon drawing of a rainbow puking up a rainbow! Just take a look through the archives of art and you'll see there's good art and bad art, but it's all pretty entertaining either way.
Ok that's all for now... hope you guys enjoy all the new pukes!
im sorry stamper :(
<a href="http://www.luiscastanon.com/beta/ng_sf4.jpg">http://www.luiscastanon.com/beta/ng_s f4.jpg</a>
Hahaha. If only it were SFW and actually a rainbow puking up a rainbow. :P