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Age 48, Male

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Joined on 1/20/01

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Mockery's News

Posted by Mockery - July 21st, 2010

Yo ho ho!

It's finally that time again! The car is all loaded up and we're just about ready to head down to the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con! for I-Mockery's second time as an exhibitor! I hope you can come visit us at the convention (booth # A10) because we've got lots of fun stuff to show ya this year! Here's some of what you can expect to see such as:

-A new playable demo of Abobo's Big Adventure (including a special 2-player battle mode) on a custom Abobo arcade cabinet!!!

-Appearances by Tommy Wiseau (creator and star of "The Room"), Keith Apicary and more!

-I-Mockery t-shirts!

-The "Ultimate Retro Pixel Beach Party" poster!

-PickleMan comic books! Protoclown's comic books! Strangepuppets comic books!

-A new limited edition t-shirt from StrangePuppets.com!

-I-Mockery Button Packs!

-I-Mockery Magnets & Stickers!

-Free gory "Dinosaur's Attack" trading cards with every purchase! (this site is old as a dinosaur, so why not?)

-Free t-shirt giveaways compliments of our pals at Mini Cassette Tees!

-Rumored appearances by Doc Mock and Miss Diagnosis!

and of course...

-I-Mockery Pickle Hats!

It's gonna be a blast and BomToons will be there with me to showcase our upcoming game, so if you're going to the convention, be sure to stop by Booth # A10 (located on the far West side of the convention center near the lounge area).

Can't wait to see all our pals from Newgrounds once again!!!


Come see us at Comic-Con booth # A10 and play Abobo's Big Adventure!

Posted by Mockery - June 24th, 2010

Yo ho ho, film freakozoids!

Just a quick reminder that the 32nd episode of my interactive show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight (6/24/10) at 8pm PST (11pm EST) on thestream.tv/live & justin.tv/thestreamdottv & stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us LIVE on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

LLOYD KAUFMAN (President of Troma Entertainment and the man behind The Toxic Avenger, Sgt. Kabukiman, Poultrygeist and more) will be joining us as our guest, so you'll have a chance to interact by asking him questions live during the show!! He's even bringing some lovely Tromettes with him too!

As always, if you missed any of the previous shows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

You can also download the archived episodes for free on iTunes at:
itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.wo a/wa/viewPodcast?id=331281360

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

LLOYD KAUFMAN (creator of The Toxic Avenger) appearing LIVE tonight on my show @ 8pm PST / 11pm EST! Come check it out!

Posted by Mockery - May 24th, 2010

Hey guys,

My buddy and I just launched a little parody game of the arcade classic "Centipede" based on the new horror movie "Human Centipede'. Hope you'll all check it out!


Human Centipede: THE GAME!

Posted by Mockery - May 21st, 2010

Remember this one?

Oh the soothing sounds... ;)

Happy Birthday Pac-Man!

Posted by Mockery - April 8th, 2010

Yo ho ho, movie maniacs!

Just a quick reminder that the 31st episode of my interactive show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight (4/8/10) at 8pm PST (11pm EST) on thestream.tv/live & justin.tv/thestreamdottv & stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us LIVE on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

BRIAN HUSKEY (of Best Week Ever, Step Brothers, Superbad, Semi-Pro and more) will be joining us as our guest, so you'll have a chance to interact by asking him questions live during the show!! Again, we have to extend a HUGE THANKS to Tom Fulp and Newgrounds for sponsoring the show this month! Without you guys, we wouldn't be on the air right now!

As always, if you missed any of the previous shows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

You can also download the archived episodes for free on iTunes at:
itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.wo a/wa/viewPodcast?id=331281360

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

NEW DOC MOCK SHOW TONIGHT! It starts at 8pm PST / 11pm EST! Come check it out and join in the chat room fun!

Posted by Mockery - April 1st, 2010

Our latest game has arrived and you know you want to play it!


PRO TIP: There are three different giant enemies you can encounter in the game depending on which path you take. If you encounter all three of these enemies in a single game, you will unlock "expert mode".<p>%u2248%u2248%u2248</p><p>%u22 48%u2248%u2248</p><p>%u2248%u2248%u224 8</p>


Posted by Mockery - March 26th, 2010

Yo ho ho, movie maniacs!

Just a quick reminder that the 30th episode of my interactive show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight (3/12/10) at 10pm PST (1am EST) on thestream.tv/live & justin.tv/thestreamdottv & stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us LIVE on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

MATT BESSER (of Freak Dance, Asssscat, Walk Hard, Reno 911, and a founding member of the Upright Citizens Brigade) will be joining us as our guest, so you'll have a chance to interact by asking him questions live during the show!! Again, we have to extend a huge thanks to Tom Fulp and Newgrounds for sponsoring the show this month! Without you guys, we wouldn't be on the air right now!

As always, if you missed any of the previous shows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

You can also download the archived episodes for free on iTunes at:
itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.wo a/wa/viewPodcast?id=331281360

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

MATT BESSER (aka: Little Donny) appearing LIVE tonight on my show @ 10pm PST / 1am EST! Come check it out!

Posted by Mockery - March 12th, 2010

Yo ho ho, movie maniacs!

Just a quick reminder that the 29th episode of my interactive show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight (3/12/10) at 10pm PST (1am EST) on thestream.tv/live & justin.tv/thestreamdottv & stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us LIVE on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

NATHAN BARNATT (also known as Keith Apicary from "Talking Classics", Ray Amsley, Trale Lewous and a slew of other crazy characters) will be joining us as our guest, so you'll have a chance to interact by asking him questions live during the show!! Again, we have to extend a huge thanks to Tom Fulp and Newgrounds for sponsoring the show this month! Without you guys, we wouldn't be on the air right now!

As always, if you missed any of the previous shows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

You can also download the archived episodes for free on iTunes at:
itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.wo a/wa/viewPodcast?id=331281360

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

Nathan Barnatt (aka: KEITH APICARY) appearing LIVE tonight on my show @ 8pm PST / 11pm EST! Come check it out!

Posted by Mockery - March 5th, 2010

Yo ho ho, movie maniacs!

Just a quick reminder that the 28th episode of my interactive show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight (3/5/10) at 10pm PST (1am EST) on thestream.tv/live & justin.tv/thestreamdottv & stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us LIVE on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

PAUL SCHEER (from Human Giant, Best Week Ever, 30 Rock, Piranha 3D and more) will be joining us as our guest, so you'll have a chance to interact by asking him questions live durin the show!! Also, a big thanks to Tom Fulp and Newgrounds for sponsoring the show this month! Can't thank you guys enough! :)

As always, if you missed any of the previous shows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

You can now even download the episodes for free on iTunes at:
itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.wo a/wa/viewPodcast?id=331281360

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

PAUL SCHEER appearing LIVE tonight on my show @ 10pm PST / 1am EST! Come check it out!

Posted by Mockery - February 19th, 2010

Yo ho ho, movie maniacs!

Just a quick reminder that the 27th episode of my interactive show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, is airing LIVE tonight (2/5/10) at 10pm PST (1am EST) on thestream.tv/live & justin.tv/thestreamdottv & stickam.com/thestreamdottv. We'll be showing yet another amazing movie made to murder your medulla oblongata, and you'll also be able to interact with us LIVE on the air via the chat rooms as our resident nurse, Miss Diagnosis, fields your questions and comments!

As always, if you missed any of the previous shows, you can watch them anytime as they've now been permanently archived online!

Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum archived episodes:

You can now even download the episodes for free on iTunes at:
itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.wo a/wa/viewPodcast?id=331281360

For more info on the show, visit the official Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum web site:

Hope to see you guys in the chat rooms tonight! Thanks for watching!

My LIVE show, Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, Episode #27 airs tonight @ 10pm PST / 1am EST! Come check it out!